6 Feb. / Traffic is minimal and the sun is shining from a cloudless sky
Mehansar - Bikaner 226 km.
Mehansar - Bikaner 226 km.
The major roads have been quite fine so far. On the smaller roads, long stretches may be filled with holes in the broken asphalt. In many places, the very wide paved roads make sure that the future is taken into account, because there are only a few trucks and passenger cars on the road.
Just a simple day in Delhi it has been a little cloudy. Otherwise, the sun has shined through every day.
Just a simple day in Delhi it has been a little cloudy. Otherwise, the sun has shined through every day.

As I drive on the major roads, my speed is 80-90 km. It's very soulful I'm overtaken. Although there is no traffic, you must always be fully aware of the road, because even on what they call the highway there may be holy cows, people crossing or cars and motorcycles driving in the wrong direction. It is therefore less tiring to drive off the smaller roads, although the holes can really give tension. There are not so many villages I pass by now. This is because of course the infertile desert soil. But they have a number of channels and irrigation systems. So I'm constantly wondering if it's worth the trouble to drive zigzag.
In Rajasthan, most camels are used as dragons
I move now farther into the desert state of Rajasthan. In 2011, I clearly saw how the bulls like dragons were replaced with dromedaries. Dromedare should be incredibly strong. But until now I have seen only a few dromedors as migratory animals. But in general, the tugs have increasingly been replaced by trucks.

I also visited this time 'Camel Research Institute', located 8 km outside of Bikaner. There were significantly fewer dream leaders than last time I visited the center. The English word camel is used both about (two-humped) camels and dromedaries which can lead to misunderstandings. It's not camels, but a dromedaries a image of 'Camel´-
Few times I have seen dromedaries running freely around. Some owners tie their foreheads the same so they do not get too far away.
I will live with a young artist who has set up a guesthouse in his family residence
I am after a strenuous driving especially the first 40 km. on my way bikaner. My GPS guides me far into the old poor towns with its narrow streets. I will live with a young artist who has now set up a guesthouse in his family residence.
I meet him 2011 on my first MC. Rajasthan Journey. I then bought some Indian traditional Indian hand painted miniature gouache drawings that his father painted.
I have chosen as a gift to give him one of my own original "Inspirational Drawings", of my 'Pigeon', which I had first done by hand, but then again in a more technically perfectly designed on the computer. This original Tusch drawings, however, has more feel and mood of life than the computer edition.

The Junagarh Fort was impressive and the Phool Mahal 'flower palace' was beautiful with its decorative paints as well as engraved marble panels.
Along with Saleem, I saw the famous Jain Temple Bhandasar Temple, filled with incredibly and vibrant paintings that inspire him a lot.

Visited the rite temple 'Karni Mata Temple'
When I drove out to the city Deshnok 30 km from Bikander, I had expected thousands of big rats. Instead, I met only dozens of little rats in different corners of the temple, which was not much bigger than our white mice. I went closer to some of the rats that ran between my legs and one over my foot, which means happiness, The temple itself was nothing special inside. I can see that they are restoring the temple

In front of the temple, it was the place of the doves, therefore the rats never came across the white line at the temple entrance.

7 Feb. Birthday in Bikaner
Via facebook you are made extra aware that life actually has an expiration date, our personal number tells you where you are in time and space.
I chose to tell Saleem late in the afternoon that I actually filled years today. I think he should buy a nice birthday cake so I could share the day and the cake with his family and thus greet every family member. The Indians love sweet stuff. Birthday is not something all Indians practice.
It became a festive cake, some with fingers and others with spoon. But it was a little party and ½ Happi Birthday birthday song. My name got a poetic sound twist.
I chose to tell Saleem late in the afternoon that I actually filled years today. I think he should buy a nice birthday cake so I could share the day and the cake with his family and thus greet every family member. The Indians love sweet stuff. Birthday is not something all Indians practice.
It became a festive cake, some with fingers and others with spoon. But it was a little party and ½ Happi Birthday birthday song. My name got a poetic sound twist.

I was on my first Rajasthan trip in 2011
This MC. Journey has been one of my best, so I would now try to experience what it's like to see people, environment and attractions I've met 7 years ago. So my MC.Rajasthan journey is almost the same. In 2011 I was only on a 4 week MC.Journey. Now I'm on a 6 week. So I have the opportunity to stop for more 3 days and therefore have the opportunity for my body to get a refund.
Part of my MC driving on the uneven, paved roads has given me a lot of shock in my spine. So I've got a little tension and pain in the left balls. So I got a good massage here in Bikaner, I asked her to go hard to work. She actually got rid of all my tensions. It requires physics to travel in this way. For example, I avoid as much as possible after 5-6 hours on MC. to carry my luggage up the stairs as it is a fleece bag and not a rucksack. I'd like to help, because it weighs about 30 kg. I have got 7 kg. spare parts for MC.
MC.Royal Enfield is demanding to handle when full attention is paid.
This MC. Journey has been one of my best, so I would now try to experience what it's like to see people, environment and attractions I've met 7 years ago. So my MC.Rajasthan journey is almost the same. In 2011 I was only on a 4 week MC.Journey. Now I'm on a 6 week. So I have the opportunity to stop for more 3 days and therefore have the opportunity for my body to get a refund.
Part of my MC driving on the uneven, paved roads has given me a lot of shock in my spine. So I've got a little tension and pain in the left balls. So I got a good massage here in Bikaner, I asked her to go hard to work. She actually got rid of all my tensions. It requires physics to travel in this way. For example, I avoid as much as possible after 5-6 hours on MC. to carry my luggage up the stairs as it is a fleece bag and not a rucksack. I'd like to help, because it weighs about 30 kg. I have got 7 kg. spare parts for MC.
MC.Royal Enfield is demanding to handle when full attention is paid.
This year I am going to be 73
I feel physically and mentally different from when I reached 66, which was in Jaisalmer, which is the next city I drive to. This time, however, it will be without a 'camel safari'. It was a great experience, but running my MC. gives me plenty of shock.
I feel physically and mentally different from when I reached 66, which was in Jaisalmer, which is the next city I drive to. This time, however, it will be without a 'camel safari'. It was a great experience, but running my MC. gives me plenty of shock.
The following relevant text is reproduced from my blog MC.INDIEN / JODHPUR TRAVEL 2011 nr.5
In a mail 6.feb. 2011 to some friends, the day before my birthday, I wrote:
I'm sitting here on the bed completely worn down and writing to you about my Camel Safari.
It was exciting but also a test for one's balls and back. It was a long awkward night to lie straight on the fine sand that was hard like a board.
I fought all night to keep the cold wind and the fading sand from creeping under the rugs .-
The next morning I was completely broken. "I have just received a beautiful massage." I will continue on the road tomorrow, which again is a long 280km trip.
It was exciting but also a test for one's balls and back. It was a long awkward night to lie straight on the fine sand that was hard like a board.
I fought all night to keep the cold wind and the fading sand from creeping under the rugs .-
The next morning I was completely broken. "I have just received a beautiful massage." I will continue on the road tomorrow, which again is a long 280km trip.
I received this birthday response from Kirsten Justensen:
Dear Bjarne
Yes, but you will also be 60+, and alone, just as much over the rigidity of the hull, coldness and lack of flexibility, like all of us, where the shape will not fit the content.
Is motorcycle now a very good idea Bjarne?
Love Kirsten
Dear Kirsten
Yes, but you will also be 60+, and alone, just as much over the rigidity of the hull, coldness and lack of flexibility, like all of us, where the shape will not fit the content.
Is motorcycle now a very good idea Bjarne?
Love Kirsten
Dear Kirsten
My answer:
MC is for me the right choice of means of transport physically and mentally, as it with its horsepower gives me some extra options, challenges, speed, excitement and a huge freedom to see and experience maximum in minimal time.
MC helps me get closer to nature, I feel it and must deal with it physically. The people I meet feel more free to meet than if I came in a closed bubble, a car.
I have chosen to travel around India. Since it's a safe country to travel around, there will always be helpful people nearby if an accident occurs. My route is not very physically demanding and takes place most of the time. asphalt road sections. I have also chosen a less heavy and somewhat slower MC this time. I keep my safety vest at all times, even though it's hot.
I have on all my MC Journey made sure to have all the vacancies in that country, have a small first aid kit, some extra syringes, Primcillin against airway fever, Cirofloxacin for fever fever, Imodium against acute diarrhea, Ipren pain reliever pills, Auton antidote to tropical mosquitoes. Every day I have also taken Lactogurt to balance my intestinal flora.
The dangerous in India is their traffic culture, which really requires that you are on the ducks all the time and are quick in their reactions. It's a form of anarchic traffic pattern that fits my temper perfectly, but it's incredibly strenuous and stressful.
Driving an MC requires 100% attention. Strenuous but beautiful. When I describe my fatigue in my back, it's a direct description of what I feel, think and feel, to see them there. Being inspired to take on a similar trip like me, know a little about what is required.
Obviously, an elderly gentleman like me who can not help pushing himself to the extreme gets tired and tired. But that's also what I want. For example, try out my own physical and mental boundaries that I can not afford in my everyday life.
You are completely right, I'm not young anymore with a streamlined form. Therefore, this more casual MC tour that fits my current form, which I physically and mentally tried to fill in before this journey, so the content fills the form somewhat.
I have chosen to travel here and now, while form and content are still being followed and I still feel I'm physically and mentally strong enough. - How long will and can I do this MC.Journey.
Clean economically, it's a luxury to take on these MC.Journey, I can afford this. Again, it's not the reason that has taken over, but the senses are screaming to be aired.
On such an MC Journey, one's senses are set to high and sometimes overloaded - but incredibly beautiful. - I really feel the spring of the sun here in India warm my soul.
The massage I received yesterday has loosened up for the last days of tension. So it's a really nice day today. I have also told myself that this day should be in the spirit of positivism.
MC helps me get closer to nature, I feel it and must deal with it physically. The people I meet feel more free to meet than if I came in a closed bubble, a car.
I have chosen to travel around India. Since it's a safe country to travel around, there will always be helpful people nearby if an accident occurs. My route is not very physically demanding and takes place most of the time. asphalt road sections. I have also chosen a less heavy and somewhat slower MC this time. I keep my safety vest at all times, even though it's hot.
I have on all my MC Journey made sure to have all the vacancies in that country, have a small first aid kit, some extra syringes, Primcillin against airway fever, Cirofloxacin for fever fever, Imodium against acute diarrhea, Ipren pain reliever pills, Auton antidote to tropical mosquitoes. Every day I have also taken Lactogurt to balance my intestinal flora.
The dangerous in India is their traffic culture, which really requires that you are on the ducks all the time and are quick in their reactions. It's a form of anarchic traffic pattern that fits my temper perfectly, but it's incredibly strenuous and stressful.
Driving an MC requires 100% attention. Strenuous but beautiful. When I describe my fatigue in my back, it's a direct description of what I feel, think and feel, to see them there. Being inspired to take on a similar trip like me, know a little about what is required.
Obviously, an elderly gentleman like me who can not help pushing himself to the extreme gets tired and tired. But that's also what I want. For example, try out my own physical and mental boundaries that I can not afford in my everyday life.
You are completely right, I'm not young anymore with a streamlined form. Therefore, this more casual MC tour that fits my current form, which I physically and mentally tried to fill in before this journey, so the content fills the form somewhat.
I have chosen to travel here and now, while form and content are still being followed and I still feel I'm physically and mentally strong enough. - How long will and can I do this MC.Journey.
Clean economically, it's a luxury to take on these MC.Journey, I can afford this. Again, it's not the reason that has taken over, but the senses are screaming to be aired.
On such an MC Journey, one's senses are set to high and sometimes overloaded - but incredibly beautiful. - I really feel the spring of the sun here in India warm my soul.
The massage I received yesterday has loosened up for the last days of tension. So it's a really nice day today. I have also told myself that this day should be in the spirit of positivism.
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