Jan. 3 / The noise from the main road wakes me early
Okkan – Bago 186 km.
My room was right next to the main road through town, so I was woken up early. The room was a little too small, so I dropped perform my physical hatha yoga program that would not require more space than a yoga pad.
9:30 am I was ready to drive on towards the city Bargo. After packed MC. I pulled it out of the lobby.
9:30 am I was ready to drive on towards the city Bargo. After packed MC. I pulled it out of the lobby.
The red triangles show my whole MC.Myanmar Journey. Mandalay / Bagan / Bago / Inle Lake / Mandalay / Touch the photo, then it becomes large
The weather was again today a little cloudy but still warm. There were more and more trucks on the road des closer I got to the big city Yagon. I turn away from the hooves road to Yagon and run into a big 6-track road to Bago. Now there are a lot of big trucks on the road, I had to race with, if I want to avoid lying behind a motorcade of dusty and noisy trucks. They run luckily only 70-80 km.
I have chosen to drop the big city Yagon. In planning my route, I had been too optimistic about how many cities I have been able to achieve on this journey. I have been forced to reassess quite some places and cities. Yagon also authorizes nor that riding a motorcycle within the city limits.
I have chosen to drop the big city Yagon. In planning my route, I had been too optimistic about how many cities I have been able to achieve on this journey. I have been forced to reassess quite some places and cities. Yagon also authorizes nor that riding a motorcycle within the city limits.
I lose my Iphone
I enjoy the final run on a good road where you do not get shaken kidneys so much when you are a little up in speed. MC. seems to be fine with a cruising speed of 80 km. I test just how fast the Honda can run. It creeps up on little more than 100 kilometers. It feels, however, very fast, as most other MC. only run 35-40 km. and you yourself have come down in a Myanmar pace speed.
My Iphone is a very important travel companion. MAPme which act as a GPS application on my iphone since it does not require internet to function, it is a great support. Via Internet I downloaded Myanmar to MAPme. MAPme also shows where there are some hotels and pagodas. When I selected a hotel it shows the way.
As I turned off the main road towards Yagon and drove east on against Bago, I stopped just to check my Iphone, if I was on the right track. After approximately 35 km. I stopped again to check my iphone.
But my iPhone was not in my right leather jacket pocket, where I used to have it. I searched frantically in all my pockets. It was gone. I must either have lost it out of pocket during my drive or have lost it when I larst stopped and checked MAPme. It was on a place with lots of fruit stalls.
I did not expect that I had big chances that one of the merchants had seen me lose my iphone. I decided nevertheless that drive the 35 km. back to the place. I found the place where I last stopped. None of the merchants had seen some pick an iPhone up.
The gate until Kanbawzathadi Palace
I try to call my Iphone
It's downturn to have lost your Iphone, because at such a trip it is a importen help. My Iphone is from 2013, so it has been with me on three previous MC.Journey
In the afternoon, a few hours later I reach Bago. I soon found Jade Garden Hotel, which was one of the hotels I could remember, I had been chosen as an option. The hotel was OK with little visibility view through some bars to a little green.
In the afternoon, a few hours later I reach Bago. I soon found Jade Garden Hotel, which was one of the hotels I could remember, I had been chosen as an option. The hotel was OK with little visibility view through some bars to a little green.
First when I reached the hotel I got the idea that I could try to call my own phone. I had my Danish simcard switched out to a local simcard Myanmar with a local telephone number. Perhaps the person who had found the phone to answer the call if it had not fallen out of my pocket while driving and had total smashed. The receptionist tried a few times to call, but nobody answers. We tried again later in the evening, but still no answer. Next morning told the phone voice that phone number no longer existed. My simcard had nw been replaced with a new one. Very annoying.
Shwesandaw Pagoda
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Fortunately, I also on this trip had a large map of Myanmar. It is more difficult to find your way and be sure it is the right path you follow. Now I have unfortunately also no compass more. I used the iPhone as a compas, when I was in doubt whether I kept the card properly.
On my computer, I could happily go into Google Earth and through it see my next route and distances. I could via internet book hotel without having to call. I bought also the computer generates an alarm clock and weather forecast Aps.
On my computer, I could happily go into Google Earth and through it see my next route and distances. I could via internet book hotel without having to call. I bought also the computer generates an alarm clock and weather forecast Aps.
My first little MC. accident in luck
My chain jumps off and gets stuck, so I stopped. I am in the middle of the town of Bago, so I am lucky that there is a handy man only 20 m. from my accident. He offers to fix it for me. He does not have all the tools he needs, but borrows tool from some others. After some work he got the chain free.
Another person there seems to have a little more sense to buckle chain and rear right show up. This incident ought I had foreseen and avoided, since I the day before, had observed that the chain was rather limp and therefore, I should have got the chain and rear wheels done as soon as possible.
I was incredibly lucky that it happened here in town and not on a mountain road. I have no tools with me. I actually thought that I had a set of tools with me and that it was under the seat. But the seat is clamped and required tool to be open. So I was lucky again.
In addition to having been tightened rear brake, I have not been in contact with a workshop until now.
Another person there seems to have a little more sense to buckle chain and rear right show up. This incident ought I had foreseen and avoided, since I the day before, had observed that the chain was rather limp and therefore, I should have got the chain and rear wheels done as soon as possible.
I was incredibly lucky that it happened here in town and not on a mountain road. I have no tools with me. I actually thought that I had a set of tools with me and that it was under the seat. But the seat is clamped and required tool to be open. So I was lucky again.
In addition to having been tightened rear brake, I have not been in contact with a workshop until now.
Nawdawgyi Myathalyaung Buddha / 76 m. long / 2002
As a vegetarian, I have had problems in Vietnam and Indonesia
On my MC. Journey to Vietnam last year I had trouble finding restaurants that served a purely vegetarian completely meat-free meal. If there was no direct meat in court, had they used a type of meat extract or meat broth to give their dishes taste of meat.
It was a tough stint, going from one restaurant to the other to find someone who was willing to give me some boiled cabbage with rice and the cooked soup water as soup. As seemed to be the only thing they could do. In the big cities, I could be lucky to find a little more interesting vegetable dish.
The year before, in Indonesia it was the same problem to be a vegetarian.
It was a tough stint, going from one restaurant to the other to find someone who was willing to give me some boiled cabbage with rice and the cooked soup water as soup. As seemed to be the only thing they could do. In the big cities, I could be lucky to find a little more interesting vegetable dish.
The year before, in Indonesia it was the same problem to be a vegetarian.
Mahazedi Pagoda
In Myanmar, I have not had any problems as a vegetarian
In Myanmar, I have no problems being a vegetarian, like in India. In Myanmar they makes pure vegetable dishes without meat additive. Many of the small hotels I live in had a restaurant where you can get example vegetables in curry or eggplant in curry etc. etc. and for meat eaters example Chicken or fish in curry.
In some places there were just as many vegetables as meat dishes. Probably because meat is an expensive commodity for most people in Myanmar, so they eat still many pure vegetable dishes. Their sauce for the various dishes were beautiful. But as I said, it was very simple dishes.

In India you get fantastic exciting varied vegetarian dishes. This is obviously because the Hindus are vegetarians.
In some places there were just as many vegetables as meat dishes. Probably because meat is an expensive commodity for most people in Myanmar, so they eat still many pure vegetable dishes. Their sauce for the various dishes were beautiful. But as I said, it was very simple dishes.

In India you get fantastic exciting varied vegetarian dishes. This is obviously because the Hindus are vegetarians.
Hindu temple with a thousand gods
In India, 80.5% Hindus, 0.8% Buddhists
In Myanmar is 89% Buddhists, 1% Hindus
Although they are Buddhists, they may well eat meat just they have not killed the animal.
In Myanmar is 89% Buddhists, 1% Hindus
Although they are Buddhists, they may well eat meat just they have not killed the animal.
I do not enjoy going out to the city and find a place to eat unter an ugly neon lights, but like to be alone in the hotel restaurant, I enjoy my own company. Usually I sit merely because it is a little outside the tourist season.
Shwetalyaung Buddha / From 994 / Restored1880
Jan. 6 / I now drive due north
Bago - Toungoo 228 km.
After 3 days of overcast skies, the sun shines again from a cloudless sky. Now I drive no more with the sun in my face, but the sun hits me from behind, as I now drive due north. The trip to Toungoo is again a visual treat over the long plain with mountain ranges in the horizon.
I have chosen not to drive the highway, which also run right past Toungo, but on the somewhat smaller highway. There is less and less traffic the longer I come from Bago.
After an hour's drive starts ones body in different ways to draw attention to the imbalance. Different muscles tightening. Tension in the shoulders felt, back and lower back pain, left leg goes a little into spasm and may be stretched. The body again demand a short break. As a rule, I kept my body locked a few hours before I stop and give it a pauses, perhaps I should do that a little more often, in addition to the short stop to take photos.
I'm trying to find a place in the shade to stop, away from the road. Where I have the ability to lie completely flat on my back for a few minutes.
I then get a little water and some fruit. For lunch, I have chosen to eat only fruit. When I both morning and evening get a good nutritious meal.

I have been on Internet and has made a fortunate hotel choice. Myanmar Beauty Hotel (II) have rooms like small wooden cottages with terrace for only $ 30. night
I have chosen not to drive the highway, which also run right past Toungo, but on the somewhat smaller highway. There is less and less traffic the longer I come from Bago.
After an hour's drive starts ones body in different ways to draw attention to the imbalance. Different muscles tightening. Tension in the shoulders felt, back and lower back pain, left leg goes a little into spasm and may be stretched. The body again demand a short break. As a rule, I kept my body locked a few hours before I stop and give it a pauses, perhaps I should do that a little more often, in addition to the short stop to take photos.
I'm trying to find a place in the shade to stop, away from the road. Where I have the ability to lie completely flat on my back for a few minutes.
I then get a little water and some fruit. For lunch, I have chosen to eat only fruit. When I both morning and evening get a good nutritious meal.

I have been on Internet and has made a fortunate hotel choice. Myanmar Beauty Hotel (II) have rooms like small wooden cottages with terrace for only $ 30. night
This is what they offer me for breakfast. I tried to taste all the different delicacies. They tasted a bit of the same. But this is something, so I had to take a photo.
Shwesandaw Pagoda
I look forward to the mountain trip tomorrow with a total of 217 km.
The whole evening I was writing to all the many friends who have sent feedback on my reports. I got them sent in spite of all electricity and WiFi several times during the evening went out.
I asked the young people in the reception if he knew of the smaller but more direct mountain road to Loikaw. He did and he thought it was OK to run the ad. I also asked him about how much cooler it would be when I moved up to 2.000 m. height. He thought it would be a few degrees cooler.
It will probably be a tough trip in the morning when I have to run 217 km. mountain driving, across a mountain range. My back is in fact already tired of all the bumps it has received on the rough roads on a motorbike. that is poorly sprung on the rear wheel. All bumps and shocks propagate up in my back.
I asked the young people in the reception if he knew of the smaller but more direct mountain road to Loikaw. He did and he thought it was OK to run the ad. I also asked him about how much cooler it would be when I moved up to 2.000 m. height. He thought it would be a few degrees cooler.
It will probably be a tough trip in the morning when I have to run 217 km. mountain driving, across a mountain range. My back is in fact already tired of all the bumps it has received on the rough roads on a motorbike. that is poorly sprung on the rear wheel. All bumps and shocks propagate up in my back.
She makes small packages of the narcotic leaf khat chewing
He makes also small packages with the narcotic leaf khat chewing. I am not aware about some Buddhist monks also enjoy Khat. Many Hindu monks smoke cannabis
After seeing Schwesandaw Pagoda, I run back to my hotel via the small side roads to see if there are some interesting wooden cabins. I stop somewhere where I think there are some houses that are a little exciting. I got well received and took some photos of the residents
Jan. 8 / The many small mountain swing, makes one dizzy
Toungoo - Loikaw 215 km.
I come away 8: 30 am, because I know it can be a long and tiring day.
Since I am not fully aware of how cold it will be, I have taken my long underwear on and put an extra sweater on top of my luggage with thin gloves.
Without difficulty, I got to the alternative more direct route to Loikaw. It turns out that it is in excellent condition, but narrow and one winds up in very small turns, so you get a little dizzy. Fortunately, there is very little traffic all the way to Loikaw. It is probably due to the very small turns to move upwards. Perched on the top of the mountain range were fewer turns and they were somewhat larger.

I do not need my extra shirt or my gloves, even if it sometimes get a bit chilly when I was on the shady side of the mountains I cross.
This only 125 cc Honda are really on the test. But the clear even the steepest places where I am forced to go down to first gear, but the move is not great.
Since I am not fully aware of how cold it will be, I have taken my long underwear on and put an extra sweater on top of my luggage with thin gloves.
Without difficulty, I got to the alternative more direct route to Loikaw. It turns out that it is in excellent condition, but narrow and one winds up in very small turns, so you get a little dizzy. Fortunately, there is very little traffic all the way to Loikaw. It is probably due to the very small turns to move upwards. Perched on the top of the mountain range were fewer turns and they were somewhat larger.

I do not need my extra shirt or my gloves, even if it sometimes get a bit chilly when I was on the shady side of the mountains I cross.
This only 125 cc Honda are really on the test. But the clear even the steepest places where I am forced to go down to first gear, but the move is not great.
Well tired I reached Nan Ayar Inn, I had chosen to try this cheap old Guest House. According to Lonely Planet it sounded OK and it should be close to the river.
When I saw it, I could see that I probably should have booked the hotel over the net. Since I only had to stay overnight and it would soon be dark. Therefore I chose to be. I quickly packed out I wanted to reach down to the river and enjoy the sunset and possible. take photos. The river and the houses along the banks were boring and they were almost no life.
Again a night in neon light revealing clear cool color.
When I saw it, I could see that I probably should have booked the hotel over the net. Since I only had to stay overnight and it would soon be dark. Therefore I chose to be. I quickly packed out I wanted to reach down to the river and enjoy the sunset and possible. take photos. The river and the houses along the banks were boring and they were almost no life.
Again a night in neon light revealing clear cool color.
In this area, I saw some churches and this little neglected cemetery.
In Myanmar is 4% Christians
Bjarne v.H.H.Solberg
Artist & Scenographer
+45 30230036
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