30 jan. - 2 feb. Allahabad 'Kumb Mela'
I sit with the jacket unter the thick quilt. Last night I was a bit unlucky. I had left my helmet on MC. I had purchased it in Yogyarkata when I was on my MC.Indonesien/Java / Bali Journey 2009. It was gone when I came out of the Internet cafe. I have otherwise tried not to leave anything on MC is not locked, especially when it is dark.
The shops that sell MC equipment, first open in this town 1 pm. I'm at a fine Indian cafe, a kind of pastry where they bake and create cakes etc. It is possible to sit and write on the computer and get a cup of cappuccino in fairly quiet surroundings. But calm is only briefly, then turn the ventilation system on and it was noisy as a threshold work. Suddenly flow and a factual peace rests suddenly all over the place and a heavenly peace propagate in my mind. A stillness and quiet I've missed the last 14 days. A constant noise has surrounded me all the time since I arrived in India. A very stress-creating factor.
I buy a new helmet, one of the most expensive they have to make sure that it lives a little up to the standards we have in Europe. It costs approx. 25 $ in Denmark costs a tested for safety helmet from 125 $ to 500$.
Royal fingerprints
At the Royal Hotel they again asked me to sign and give a thumbprint in their statutory Registration book. The young man smile when he from my last visit remember that I categorically refused to give my fingerprints. The young man recalled that it was, according to Indian law, when you checked into a hotel.
But it is only foreigners who must give their impressions, not Indians. I do not know where the owner of this hotel has got this nifty idea from - perhaps colonial empire, where, conversely, the illiterate thousands who thus deposed that signature.
When I look back on my life, I can see that I have always had a hard time with authority and therefore refuses to let me record more than necessary. I'm a little afraid of being stuck in a physical and psychological straitjacket. It is also why I use my artist name BvHHS as very few know what really stands for.
Therefore, I refuse to let my thumb dip down into the blue ink. It was a bit of an attitude struggle for the young man would and thought that I should. But he understood my body language that I would not. He was not prepared to say to me that I could not stay at the Hotel Royal. This time he asked rather half-smiling, if it was really true that it was only in his hotel that asked for a fingerprint.
But it is only foreigners who must give their impressions, not Indians. I do not know where the owner of this hotel has got this nifty idea from - perhaps colonial empire, where, conversely, the illiterate thousands who thus deposed that signature.
When I look back on my life, I can see that I have always had a hard time with authority and therefore refuses to let me record more than necessary. I'm a little afraid of being stuck in a physical and psychological straitjacket. It is also why I use my artist name BvHHS as very few know what really stands for.
Therefore, I refuse to let my thumb dip down into the blue ink. It was a bit of an attitude struggle for the young man would and thought that I should. But he understood my body language that I would not. He was not prepared to say to me that I could not stay at the Hotel Royal. This time he asked rather half-smiling, if it was really true that it was only in his hotel that asked for a fingerprint.
Hinduism contains a bewildering number of gods and goddesses, from powerful sanskritgods, sometimes perceived as an expression of several manifestations of a single divine existence, the local goddesses
Hinduism has been called 'the religion with 330 million. gods' - a deliberate exaggeration to point out that the divine is present in all living beings. But it is also true that the very heterogeneous religion is able to capture many and various gods and goddesses.
Some Hindus believe that the gods various incarnations all descended from one central and impersonal deity, Brahman. Others believe that Brahman is a force that manifest as Trimurti, the trinity of gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. And still others believe that the three are each one god to be worshiped in its own right. Obviously this is not necessarily mutually contradictory positions, and there are almost as many variations and nuances of faith that there are gods and goddesses.
Hinduism has been called 'the religion with 330 million. gods' - a deliberate exaggeration to point out that the divine is present in all living beings. But it is also true that the very heterogeneous religion is able to capture many and various gods and goddesses.
Some Hindus believe that the gods various incarnations all descended from one central and impersonal deity, Brahman. Others believe that Brahman is a force that manifest as Trimurti, the trinity of gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. And still others believe that the three are each one god to be worshiped in its own right. Obviously this is not necessarily mutually contradictory positions, and there are almost as many variations and nuances of faith that there are gods and goddesses.
A particular feature of the religious life of India is the large number of sadhus. The vagrant monks can stay in the towns and villages in the forests, on the banks of a river or in the Himalayas. They are usually dressed in saffron or ocher robes and his body smeared with ash and forehead anointed with sandal paste. A Sadhu carrying all his possessions with him, a bowl, a stick and a blanket. Some travel alone, others in small groups. Some have submitted secrecy, others preach or sing hymns. They can be roughly divided into followers of Vishnu and Shiva. The sadhus who worship Vishnu, can be recognized by the three vertical stripes on the forehead and dedicated to Shiva, has three horizontal lines on the forehead. ( From Travel around India. Politiken Publishing)
’Maha Kumbh Mela’ - Where rivers and souls meet
3: 30 pm I went to the fort where the two rivers meet Ganges and Yamuna, where the large tent camp has its starting point. This is where most of the large main groups of holy men - Sadhus live.
In the year 2013, the great 'Maha Kumbh Mela' place in Allahabad. It is estimated that over 70 million people will participate in this, which is considered the quantitatively largest pilgrimage in the world.
Festival act as a kind of omega Music Festival, where the site is divided into different camps that are installed water lines, as many tents have their own little watertap. The festival lasts longer than 2 months So the various factions and simple sadhus provides self-catering. They have put iron plates throughout the camp so that it can carry on walking and vehicular traffic. In particular the large width sand-boulevard or military road like the Avenue des Champs Elysee in Paris, passing through the 'Arc de Triomphe', created by Napoleon. Where houses were demolished to create this wide boulevard, so it was possible for the army to move quickly and to be able to use their guns. Sand boulevards here at Kumb Mela be latitude to take millions of people at once. - And it must be many times during the 2 months. Here have every spiritual department, set their visual stamp on the more fragile and temporary visual 'triumphal arches'
Kumbh Mela is a mass
Hindu pilgrimage in which Hindus gather at the Ganges and river Godavari, where
bathing for purification from sin is considered especially efficacious.
The Ardh (half) Kumbh Mela is celebrated every
six years at Haridwar and Allahabad, the Purna (complete) Kumbh takes place
every twelve years, at four places Allahabad, Haridwar, Ujjain, and Nashik.
The Maha (great) Kumbh Mela which comes after 12 'Purna Kumbh Melas', or 144
years, is held at Allahabad.
In the year 2013, the great 'Maha Kumbh Mela' place in Allahabad. It is estimated that over 70 million people will participate in this, which is considered the quantitatively largest pilgrimage in the world.
Festival act as a kind of omega Music Festival, where the site is divided into different camps that are installed water lines, as many tents have their own little watertap. The festival lasts longer than 2 months So the various factions and simple sadhus provides self-catering. They have put iron plates throughout the camp so that it can carry on walking and vehicular traffic. In particular the large width sand-boulevard or military road like the Avenue des Champs Elysee in Paris, passing through the 'Arc de Triomphe', created by Napoleon. Where houses were demolished to create this wide boulevard, so it was possible for the army to move quickly and to be able to use their guns. Sand boulevards here at Kumb Mela be latitude to take millions of people at once. - And it must be many times during the 2 months. Here have every spiritual department, set their visual stamp on the more fragile and temporary visual 'triumphal arches'
(Mail from Dave & Marie whom I met in Allahabad)
Unlike the Roskilde Music festival, there was a very aesthetic discipline, each piece of paper was swept up and even the sand was swept nicely. Toilets and bathrooms were installed and covered by tarpaulins.
Roskilde Music Festival (The biggest festival in Denmark/ there take place every year)
2 years ago I visited Roskilde music festival. When it comes to imaginative activities for young people was the very top, but on the visual front, from entrances, the musicstaged and even the lighting of their musical 'events' was a huge disappointment. Roskilde music Festival really miss a visual imaginative set designer, filled with visual colorful inspirational ideas. Someone who has a sense of putting together a visual total whole. Within the film industry called the Visual art director.
Of course, take into account that at the Roskilde Festival is disorganized groups of young people who are just interested in getting a great experience. Here it is not about to get to a deeper understanding of the universe.
But like Roskilde music Festival makes demands on the musical quality, which should preferably be at the very top, they should also make demands on the visual overall framework, which helps to give a higher total sensory experience. If context is visual and exciting, it will also affect the behavior of juveniles.
The poor provision of meals
Looking towards the center
This time I would look further into the camp to meet some of these sadhus.
Those who have sat along the sandy boulevard outside the main gates, was the little outcast sadhus. They begged just about money and did not belong to the true genuine sadhus, the more established groups of sadhus, those who were in 'triumphal arches'. I could understand a security guard who pulled me aside to tell me when I was about to sit down among a group of swindlers and beggars. Security guards made up of military and police officers also told me that it was forbidden to sit on the sand boulevard outside the camp areas.
I passed through one of 'triumphal arches' where I could see that, there was a more open tent environment with sadhus sitting, past some security guards. I was invited to sit down. I asked if I could take photo of them, which they allowed. They took significant positions which should radiate a conscious approach to outer space. I got them to write their address in my little log book so I can send them copies of the photons
These proud sadhus from Rajasthan wrote down their address in my logbook
The logbook is a note book and a kummunikations agent
In my logbook I write down briefly, where I've been and what I wears me and get people and groups I have taken photo of, to put down their address. At the same time I have a map in the book of the cities I have and plan to visit. At the same time, I have a bit of a world map so they can see where Denmark is in relation to India.
When I am back in Denmark I print some copies of the pictures and send them. I'll copy of their written down address from the logbook and paste it on the envelope and adds the larger city their village located near and Land. On the dates in my logbook, I can figure out where and when I took the pictures.
I looked further into the tent camp, what very few visitors else did. Not because I sensed that it was not allowed or caused resentment at the tent residents. I got a feeling that they did not mind a little communication. So I was often invited to sit down and was allowed to take photos of them. It was great when in this way were invited into their visual universe. Some sadhus didn't like that I took the photo when I just walked past and would take a picture.
Other sadhus asked directly about charity, like the outcasts sadhus when you took a photo, and I can only perceive as something natural and positive, as part of the Indian culture where all Sadhus spend all their time and energy to meditate and pray the high powers to create a better life for all of us. The general secular use instead all their time and energy at normal work. Therefore, it is natural for them to give a small pittance so they can get food and continue their meditation and prayer for a better world. In Denmark it is not a penny but a nice amount most Dane automatically pay in the church tax
Logbook / Hotel business cards
World Map / distance and size / Denmark - India
In the logbook, I have a card with my MC.journey marked
When I am back in Denmark I print some copies of the pictures and send them. I'll copy of their written down address from the logbook and paste it on the envelope and adds the larger city their village located near and Land. On the dates in my logbook, I can figure out where and when I took the pictures.
I looked further into the tent camp, what very few visitors else did. Not because I sensed that it was not allowed or caused resentment at the tent residents. I got a feeling that they did not mind a little communication. So I was often invited to sit down and was allowed to take photos of them. It was great when in this way were invited into their visual universe. Some sadhus didn't like that I took the photo when I just walked past and would take a picture.
Other sadhus asked directly about charity, like the outcasts sadhus when you took a photo, and I can only perceive as something natural and positive, as part of the Indian culture where all Sadhus spend all their time and energy to meditate and pray the high powers to create a better life for all of us. The general secular use instead all their time and energy at normal work. Therefore, it is natural for them to give a small pittance so they can get food and continue their meditation and prayer for a better world. In Denmark it is not a penny but a nice amount most Dane automatically pay in the church tax
There are many spiritual spirits who have set event here
The 4 days when I visited the area and moved me around 3-4 hours to slowly approach the spirit of Kumb Mela, you discover quickly that there are so many different spirits who have set rally here, especially to strengthen each other and strengthen each in its quest for a greater understanding of life's cohesion.
But the sadhus who really wanted inward in search and opted out of the material mundane world for the spiritual, I do not have wanted to leave their isolation from up in the mountains, to participate in these more social ceremonies. As one of Sadhuerne said to me that here we are a big family.
In my quest for spiritual understandings on this Kumb Mela, I felt like a little boat that was out there and gently rocked in a fight promoted cultural ocean, where I occasionally looking into where it was possible to cast my anchor. A place where it could reach the bottom. So I not only had to be routed, the ocean's strange undercurrents of life and stronger spiritual and material forces.
I enjoyed the times when I was invited into their spiritual universe and was offered a cup of chai, it gave me a sense of peace of mind. A safe haven.
Denne Sadhu har bestemt sig for resten af sit liv at holde højre arm i vejret, den mest ekstreme Sadhu jeg mødte

Et spirituel søgende sind
Hatha Yoga, den fysiske yoga begyndte jeg at dyrke for 45 år siden, for at holde min krop fysisk ved lige, efter at jeg have stoppet en kort karriere, som moderne balletdanser. Hatha Yogaens, langsomme meditative form for kropsøvelser kombineret med åndedrættet, havde lige fra starten, en meget positiv indvirkning på mit sind. I mine unge dage var jeg hyperaktiv, så jeg kunne med det samme mærke hvordan Yogaen tog brodden, af den indre uro i mit sind og krop.
For at søge dybere ind i yogafilosofien blev jeg Hatha Yoga lærer og underviste i 10 år. I 45 år har jeg gjort yogaøvelser dagligt for at hold mit sind og min fysisk ved lige. Jeg har holdt mig til det samme yogaprogram gennem alle årene, hvor de 9 vigtigste stillinger i yoga indgår. Jeg har i lange perioder sluppet selve meditationen, men begyndte igen, da jeg var på min sidste MC.Indien/Rajtsthan journey 2011.
Hippie tid
At sidde samme med disse Sadhuer, som på nær nogle enkelte, var mere eller mindre skæve, mindede mig meget om min hippietid i 70 ’erne. De tilbød mig alle deres hashpibe. Ligesom dengang, var jeg ikke meget for at ryge mig skæv hele tiden, da jeg ligesom med alkohol foretrækker at være i fuld kontrol med, hvad jeg fortager mig. Jeg havde ikke det store behov for så tit at slippe tøjlerne. Den største rus var at vågne frisk og udhvilet, med alle sanser skærpet til nye udfordringer. Yoga filosofien tanker påvirkede allerede tidligt min etik og moral.
Så Sadhuernes bevidste forsvinden ind i tågernes land er ikke i samklang med min
Yogiske filosofi.
I mine unge dage følte jeg også tit, at jeg befandt mig i min egen lille båd, når vennerne forsvandt ind i sig selv i en tåget hashrus. Nu befinder jeg mig på en MC. Royal Enfield der kan føre mig fra havn til havn, her i det store Indiske kulturelle landskab.
Man vælger selv sine guder eller helgner
Når Inderne hilser på hinanden, samler de deres hænder foran brystet og bøjer overkroppen forover. Det er den yogiske og hinduistiske hilsen, hvor man symbolsk hilser det guddommelig i den anden person.
AUM er det universelle matra som alle kan benytte. Mange har deres eget mantra som man som regel modtager af en Guru. På hindi ser AUM sådan ud som på fotoet
B. v. H. H. S.
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