MC.Indonesia/Java/Bali 2009 / 2.500 km / 15 Driving Days /
Banyowangi/Lemondang/Berawa/Pande/Lovina Beach/
Pasir Putik/Jombang/Ngawi/Sragen/Yoyakarta/
20 Nov. Back at Java, heading towards the city Pasir Putih
The last 30 km. driving in Bali is in torrential rain. Streaks of raindrops hitting a with a drumming sounds. On the bare backs of hands it felt as gentle pinpricks. The road is quite fine and there is almost no traffic, so I defy weather and let the rain pour down on me. Only my shoes compromised. Enjoy being able to relax on the ferry.
So far I had traveled with a small rucksack on my back, to protect my computer from the many hard shocks that it would have if it were in the luggage, which is bolted to the MC. My computer was dead, so I chose to pack it together with the rest of my luggage. It was a huge relief to remove this burden from my shoulders, although it was not very heavy.
After 8 hours and 200 km. I got to Pasir Putih. I had hoped to find a lovely hotel here on Java's north coast, but instead I found a beach that was full of very poor taste and style.
Some places where you cross a bridge, there could well be chaos if two too large vehicles passing each other.
21 Nov. were on my way already 7 am to Jombang
After 230 km. I reach Jombang. After a little rest I try to find an internet cafe in the rain. A layout / print offered me that I could use his computer and Internet at home with him privately. He sat on his little scooter wearing only t-shirt and shorts while the rain fell in heavy drops. He'd probably feel guilty that he had sent me in the wrong direction a little earlier in my quest for an internet cafe. I told him that I needed to use a computer 3 hours.
It was perfectly fine with him. He persuaded me and I folded my umbrella and got on his scooter. He lived not far away.
Here I sat in their living room or was it workspaces. Anyway, there was a television the host, sat engrossed in front. The daughter of approx. 3 years playing computer games next to me, it spoke English to her. The mother was safe by cooking. The smallest was running round. I got a nice cup of teh and a very solid cake from Sumatra, which was wrapped in a very nice box. First I thought the box contained swabs. The cake was really good, but it was very heavy in my stomach. Of slightly misguided politeness, I ate the whole. I had no room for any evening meals.
Again, I was drawn into an Indonesian family world. Wall above the computer was covered with family photo's, so I got a visual insight into the wedding and the various stages of their life.
22 nov. driving toward the city Ngawi 142 km.
I purposely chose a medium-sized town, hoping to find a cozy hotel. But it is actually a little difficult in the smaller towns, because there are not so many choices. In India they have a much greater range of hotels. It is most likely that there are more tourists who travel around in India and perhaps several businessmen.
I have seen many hotels that look nice bright and friendly from the outside, but when you see the rooms, you find out that they have no proper daylight or view. Most Indonesians might need shade, because they have some much bright light. I want a view and light and does not need to look inwards.
It was a very tiring driving tour. I was unlucky to bump into a violent rain, the water flooded the road so I was forced to slow down. The big trucks then begin to overtake and with the oncoming also sending cascades of water against one, it was too risky to continue to run. I chose as many others on the MC. to drive into the side and use one of the many shelter shed where we MC. people could seek shelter. I stopped at one, I could see servers something to drink. After 1 hours the rain had subsided a lot and I took the chance like many others and drove on. Fortunately, it rained less and less.
In the town of Ngawi I found a low budget hotel that is visually simple and OK. On their bed I lie, however, and lashes with a crooked spine. I turned the heavy mattress, but still it is the same bias. I find it very træbunden in bed, which has established itself strongly. I fold a blanket and put it under the mattress to bridge the gap as much as possible.
Before I went to bed, I had visited a couple of Internet cafes in the city where you were sitting directly on the floor, as Muslims do in the mosques. It was very bad for my back and entire body.
Next morning I woke up quite rigid throughout the body. I had to get massage if I had to continue my driving. I went down to reception and asked if they knew a masseuse. Half hours after at. 7 am. there came an older masseuse.
23 nov. I chose to run a very short distance to spare my physical
After 60 km. I stopped in the town Sragen. It seemed like a nice city. I found a lovely modern hotel and chose the best suite, to get some views. It gave me the opportunity to enjoy the sunrise behind Mt. Merabu at 3.142 m.
I had again a need for massage. The hotel refers to a Japanese massage parlor, where they gave me the Japanese Chiropractic. A very beautifully decorated room with partitions and Japanese massage benches.
They used a form of massage where they slowly put more and more pressure on your spine, and in this way to squeeze it into its proper place. Everything was done to quiet and meditative Japanese tones and dripping sound from a small source.
Visited a couple of Internet cafes, which only occasionally had real internet connection. Quite frustrating.
24 nov. Towards Yogyakarta
The wind is part stronger and it has become somewhat cooler since I left Bali. The weather was fine for MC. driving and I enjoy that I could pick up speed and drive faster because the roads here was broader.
I'd again say to myself that I would choose the smaller roads, to discover something interesting on the last stretch way back to Yogyakarta. The major roads won, I did not have the energy to drive the smaller roads. My body needed a complete rest as quickly as possible.
When I arrived in Yogyakarta, I noticed how the entire body and psyche gave way. Now I could finally relax totaly, I was not forced to think longer 'Where to go the next day'.
Back at this beautiful hotel I know of a good restaurant nearby that makes vegetarian dishes. A good internet cafe, without noisy music and good keyboard.
The only drawback was the large number of noisy mosques that broadcast its message over each other all day and not very musical. I actually thought it was a Hindu driven Guesthouse I lived in because it was very similar to many Hindu hotels in Bali. But it was owned by a Muslim family.
In this otherwise quiet and calm internet cafe there was a school right next door and they started to sing and beat a very monotonous sounds of many percussion instruments. It sounds not very good. The second night it was a little more rhythmic and musical to listen to. The third night I heard and saw them in the local street festival.
One days when I passed the school I could hear how they very loud in the chorus, repeated various texts by the teacher.
Sometimes when you passed one of the mosques in the cities, you almost get a shock when they sent the high mantra-tones directly in your head from some bad speakers. Muslims can not visually compete with the Hindus, but they can at the sound level.
Bjarne v.H.H.Solberg